Aug 30, 2011

The first week.

So, I have now spent one week (and a few days days to be exact) in Belgium. I love it. My family is very warm and welcoming, they really make you feel at home from the beginning. In a way it's weird to think that I've ONLY spent a week here, certain faces and habits are already normal to me.

 For one, the bisous, you greet people by kissing them once on the cheek, within the family too. This could cause problems for someone coming from a place like Finland where you aren't that close to people, where the greeting consists of a handshake, if that even. But for me, I find the bisous really great, you're much more familiar with people here. Another one would be wearing shoes inside. In Finland wearing shoes inside would be considered a tad bit rude, but it's easy to get used to this too.

My first week has been full of new faces, a new language and some new places. I live close to Tournai, which is the oldest town of Belgium, and I've visited Tournai quite a few times, it's a very pretty town in my opinion. I've started my days quite late, had some lunch and mostly waited until my hostsister Jade comes home from work. We've been out to have some drinks with her friends a few times, there's a really nice celtic pub called Cornwall in Tournai, full of metalheads and such, me likes! I've tried many belgian beers, and surprisingly enough, liked them. I really didn't like beer when I left Finland, but here you have such a big variety of flavours that I can't not like them.

Here, at home it's common to have several friends over for dinner or lunch, some evenings we've been 12, and understanding all the French being spoken at the table is quite a challenge. But my French is improving, I hope so at least! I can have some basic conversation and understand what people are saying every now and then. On Friday I start school which means lore French, which is always good! My hostsister from Hong Kong arrives on saturday, so for a while we'll be three exchange students in the house, until they find a family for Valeriya.

I guess that's pretty much all for now! Â bientot (j'espere)!
Bisous, Julia :)


  1. How come I only learned about this blog from your grandmother?? Glad to hear all is well and you are enjoying yourself (as well as the beer, you naughty girl) ;o)

  2. I did post the link to my blog on facebook at some point :)

  3. Ooh, just found it as well! This is quite late, but nonetheless: Welcome to Belgium Jullu!

    Are you coming to Tongeren any time soon? If you do, let me know! (Oh and btw: Tournai is the second oldest town of Belgium, Tongeren is the oldest one ^^)

    And of course you like the beer, it's Belgian beer ^^

    Well, hope to see you sometime soon!
    Hugs, Boris
