Hi there! As you might've figured out, this blog will tangle everything concerning my exchange year to Wallonia in Belgium. The organisation I'm using is AFS. I thought I'd start by doing a slight introduction of myself, if I'd happen to have readers who don't know me (as if :P).
I'm a 16 year old girl from southwestern Finland. I love music, love languages, love travelling. I play football, go to concerts whenever I have the opportunity, read books, watch movies etc.
Why do the exchange? And WHY Belgium?
Well, as I said, I love travelling, and I love languages, I really want to learn French properly. I picked Belgium for my exchange because... yeah why? One thing was the language ofc, I want to learn French but I wasn't too keen on going to France, I don't know why. The fact that it's a bilingual country also kind of fascinates me, I am bilingual myself so it'll be interesting going to a country where the bilingualism (probably not even a word huh? ) is handled in a completely different way than here. I also know some awesome Belgian people and have visited the country before.
That's all for now :) I really can't believe it's only 4 months and a few weeks until I leave for my exchange.... ^^ Scary shit. I'll just have to get through two "exam weeks" and a full term before summer.
Hugs, Julia =)